What can a caller expect from a consultation with you?⭐️ No frills, no fluff - just what is needed, but more than enough.
Name some specific experiences where you've used your abilities.⭐️ I am both a life coach and professional psychic. Or both a professional coach, and a life psychic. The point is my abilities are used, always. From my daily appointments, both on and offline, to my second-by-second co-creation of reality as a whole. This my way of life.
How long have you been aware of your abilities, and how have you developed them?⭐️ I have been aware of my abilities, most strongly, during my time at university. I had developed my abilities, in a formal setting, during excursion, with the Teutonic Knights, in Israel. As a psychic life coach, I am always developing my skills.
Describe your areas of expertise.⭐️ I specialise in relationships, twin flames, and soulmate counseling. Also, being an avid student of Carl Gustav Jung, I am also a Dream Scientist. As a result, I can define the meaning of dreams. Finally, as a psychic life coach, I teach manifestation methods and how to apply the law of causation in practical ways.
Wow!! Wow !! This guy is beyond amazing ! If you know who Tyler Henry is that's the type of vibe you get. He's VERY VERY DETAILED he tunes into your energy right way and just go off with information of your person of interest in depth. He is worth way more than what he's asking for and I'm here to everyone figures out how GOOD he is lol. I could have spent all day chatting with him. Please be prepared to talk at least 30 minutes cause he's REALLY Good. Your questions will get asked in details No question too small or too big 👏🏽. I'm breathless after that wow!! He knew things I ONLY know, he knew characteristics of my POI I only know and I'm not talking about astrology. He didn't even ask for our date of birth.. I think he's a celebrity reader for sure do us a favor lol.. Thank you so much wow!!! Go ahead and add him to your favorites
Psychic Coach Castor replied:🧡 Hi and thank you for your kind words. Continue to live strong! Be strong! 🧡