What can a caller expect from a consultation with you?Honest understanding comforting non judgmental uplifting direct straight forward accurate
Name some specific experiences where you've used your abilities.Psychic readings aura balancing uplifting people with my gift to help others on dare path

Always wonderful.
Look no further and get the answers you seek today accurate replied:britney please if u hate my services stop making new acounts and caliing me

Gave me the free will or family emergencies could change her predictions and/or timelines speech. She should be able to predict events like family emergencies ETC. Not impressed. While she is very nice, she takes no accountability for what she says. It must be the easiest job in the world when you don't have to hold your words to any sort of standards and can blame others (via the free will argument) if your predictions don't unfold. I'm sure she will block me for saying this.
Look no further and get the answers you seek today accurate replied:I have gave Britney a accurate reading and we was doing good and she got mad because I was warning her the future could always change due to free Will her comment was as I “I hate the free Will she feels because we are people with gifts we should be able to read through free will I’m sorry Britney you were upset about free will