Lovers Composit charts for The future of your love relationship
With Over 30 years of studying and practicing astrology, I've come to realize the importance of this Form of divination. All other medium ships are derived from astrology. Astrological predictions and events have been described 48 times in the Bible. I became fascinated with astrology and got started learning through my mother, All I need to really look into you, your karma your blessings your family, life, your work, life, your health and your wealth and your destiny are described in your birth chart even your past life. You must always follow your North node ( North Star) This is the dragons head. The dragons head and the dragons tale are known as the tea cups in the Bible. I also am fascinated with the human mind, And there are so much clarity to glean From knowing why certain things have happened and how they have led you to where you are today, Never give up hope when the unknown sorrowful and the anxiety can be quilled with a knowledge of wire here. I will answer any question you have ever had about your life in the past present and future.
What can a caller expect from a consultation with you?What you can expect from me during our reading is integrity, honesty, accuracy, and a whole lot of information about you.
Name some specific experiences where you've used your abilities.I have predicted things for my family members that came true within a couple of months I have predicted for several clients new careers, New marriages, Children, Wealth, Rebounds and physical and emotional well-being.
Describe your areas of expertise.The destiny of souls and the past lives of souls.. Once you know, your destiny, life can become very enriching and a lot less stressful,, The two most important questions you will ever have in your life are “ Why was I born? “ And what is my purpose or my destiny “.?
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