What can a caller expect from a consultation with you?A caller will expect honest and bold yet gentle answers, what i will see i will tell as bold yet as gentle as possible, questions are always welcome at anytime and i always make sure a caller never hangs up with something un-answered.
Name some specific experiences where you've used your abilities.I work publicly in my home town and normally do in person readings.
How long have you been aware of your abilities, and how have you developed them?i've known my abilities all my life, it runs in the family so it wasn't very knew to me, i started reading at the age of 5, and started healing at 6, started to advise at the age of 12.
Describe your areas of expertise.Tarot card, Palm, Crystal Ball, Clairvoyance, Dream Analyzing, Etc.

Laurie is amazing, she clicks in and doesn't stop talking, the feelings come flowing out. If you want to know what you POI is thinking, the type of person they are, what is going to happen and time frames..call Laurie!!