Professional Channel At Your Service
CERTIFIED. My name is Michael Pulsar, and I've been a practicing professional reader advisor for well over 15 years, now. I began doing professional readings in 2010 on national radio, and have since expanded my abilities. My sessions are very unique, and highly effective. Here's how it works; I connect with a group of multidimensional spirit guides from the Arcturus and Pleiades star systems. This is the art of channeling. Together, we access the Akashic Records...or the Book of Life, as the Sleeping Prophet, Edgar Cayce, coins it... to look into the future, and what it entails. Also, through these multidimensional beings of love and light, we are able to get to the core of relationship issues through their highly specialised INTENTION READINGS, that get to the core of relationship insights, challenges, and questions. These guides call themselves the PULSAR COLLECTIVE, and are able to find out what he or she is truly thinking by tapping into the core of their energy, or astral, body. Find out their true intentions. Peak into their inner dialogue. Learn what to expect, before it happens. For timelines, time focused readings, insights on past lives, karmic readings, or twin flame analysis, this group of spirit guides will often refer to the ancient divination tool of the Tarot.

What can a caller expect from a consultation with you?Upon connection I shall greet you, quickly. Then I will step aside as the group of spirit guides connect with us for the reading. I will be acting as the channel, as you will be speaking directly to the collective of multidimensional spirit guides. They are able to connect with other guides, who may be associated with the reading and situation, at hand.
Name some specific experiences where you've used your abilities.I use my abilities all the time, especially when dealing with relationships. These collective of MANY spirit guides have always been able to guide me when it comes to who I should engage with, and who I should. They are always able to read the auras of others, seeing their true intentions.
How long have you been aware of your abilities, and how have you developed them?When I was about 7, I remember being able to perceive energies around me that others say they could not. I developed my abilities by connecting strongly with my dreams and other aspects of reality. Here we are, decades later, and I am channeling a multidimensional collective of Arcturians and Pleiadeans. The guides, the PULSAR COLLECTIVE, have stated that it is their purpose to be of service to humankind by reflecting to humanity what it needs to see. I share this intention.
Describe your areas of expertise.I began channeling thorough the practice of automatic writing. Then I went into Mystery School, and never stopped. My areas of expertise are the teachings of the mystery schools, astrology, tarot, quantum mechanics. This is just a small fraction of how, with my group of guides, we are able to see true intentions and expectations of others. See how things will turn out, most accurately, by looking into the Akashic timeline of probable events. These tools are best used for relationship, career, and spiritual growth questions.

Very thorough and accurate. His angels are excellent!
Starseed Michael Pulsar Collective replied:Thank you for your kind comments. Looking forward to reconnecting.

It was interesting so I tried calling back and he never responded to my email or text then blocked me. That's rude to do to someone who calls for help and then has questions.
Starseed Michael Pulsar Collective replied:I simply was unavailable at those specific times. This seems like a review of my availability. But, blessings.

Kind, excellent guidance
Starseed Michael Pulsar Collective replied:Thanks so much for the cool words!

Pluto is in Aquarius. This chapter is JUST beginning!!! Bathe your relationships in STARSEED energy.

With the Moon transiting from Gemini into Cancer; what a great time to communicate with those you love.

Multidimensional Tarot today: The Emperor and Queen of Cups

If you like meditation, law of attraction etc., the group of guides can help you with manifestation methods. Just ask!