I have been an intuitive empath for my entire life, but I started doing readings over 20 years ago. I come from a line of clairvoyance and seers on my mother side of the family. I enjoy, helping others, overcome, spiritual blocks and find their own spiritual gifts and abilities. I am clairaudient with a very special gift in dream interpretation. My services include TAROT readings accurate DREAM interpretation, INTUITIVE ENERGY readings (photos accepted) Life, spiritual coaching.
What can a caller expect from a consultation with you?A caller can expect a concerned and helpful ear to listen to them and get accurate, honest answers to their queries. To gain deep insight and clear understanding of problems and solutions.
Name some specific experiences where you've used your abilities.My earliest memory of my abilities, when I was around eight years old. I was at my friends house next-door to my house playing. All of a sudden I got a strong urge to go home. I jumped up and ran out the door and went home. When I got home, my mom was in the kitchen and there was blood all over the floor. She had cut her fingers almost completely off. She ended up saving her fingers and is fine now, but that was my first notice of them. I am constantly using my intuitive powers on a daily basis. I am an extreme empath, and I feel other peoples emotions always. And I am always advising people on their dreams and the meanings of them ending a cycle of reoccurring dreams that can be annoying.
How long have you been aware of your abilities, and how have you developed them?As I mentioned earlier, I have been aware of my abilities for a very long time. I have developed them through meditation and spiritual practices. I also study astrology and if you know anything about it, I have a 12th house Aquarius sun with a Pisces moon, Mars mercury and rising.
Describe your areas of expertise.My area of expertise is intuitive/energy readings. Also dream interpretation. Dream interpretation is my strong suit that is where I have helped the most people.

There is a powerful new moon coming up on February 19th. It’s a super moon in Pisces, so it is the perfect time to attract

Powerful New Moon Coming! 🌙🌙🌙

Happy Moon-Day! Since its a new moon and a moon day, not to mention the lunar new year, its the perfect time to set intentions t

It's Sun-day and a new moon! It's a magical time. Time to start a new project or attract a new lover! I like to set intentions