What can a caller expect from a consultation with you?This all depends upon what the caller expects from me. I am many things to many different clients; whatever you need, I will be that for you. Whether it be advice, guidance or comfort, you have come to the right profile.
Name some specific experiences where you've used your abilities.I use my abilities every day. The air is as a chorus of intention and question; since I was very small I read these like a storybook. I help people every day! From my work here, to my practice as a clinical hypnotherapist, to sexual healing rituals with my select VIP clients and maybe a random person at the store!
How long have you been aware of your abilities, and how have you developed them?As said prior, I have been aware since I was small. Before I could ride a bike, I knew what others did not. I saw a world most were blind to; every day I live and breathe I develop my abilities. Just as surely as that living and breathing.
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