Empathic Spiritual Life Coaching
Your PERSONAL, IN-DEPTH and ACCURATE readings are UNIQUELY and EXCITINGLY delivered using several cartomancy systems ( Tarot, Oracle, Lenormand and I Ching). INTUITIVE ENERGY READER - The tools I use provide me with keywords , phrases and energies to make intuitive messages and give you the answers to your burning questions
What can a caller expect from a consultation with you?I'm here to help you find clarity in your work life and love life. I have over 20 years of experience in the healing arts a calling I've pursued since I was 12. I can't wait to chat with you and help guide you on your path.
Name some specific experiences where you've used your abilities.I use my abilities every day through my work as a spiritual life coach on YouTube and my website.
How long have you been aware of your abilities, and how have you developed them?I don't remember when I knew. My first time experimenting with my abilities was when I was 12 . When wondering in a book store found one on divination using playing cards dice and other forms of divination that called to me.
Describe your areas of expertise.I specialize in guidance and advice and clarity using divination my own life experiences my study in human behavior and psychology law of attraction and Eastern philosophy

Her prediction came true again. She is real the real deal. Call her a seriously. You won't regret it!!!!!!

She is fabulous, very intuitive reader, very casual so I get why it could throw people off, but I've gotten to know her and alllll of her predictions have come true. My bf moving in, us getting through difficulties, hopefully her next prediction come true too. When it does I'll update.shes bang on for energy reading of different people, places. High caliber psychic here.