What can a caller expect from a consultation with you?⭐️ No frills, no fluff - just what is needed, but more than enough.
Name some specific experiences where you've used your abilities.⭐️ I am both a life coach and professional psychic. Or both a professional coach, and a life psychic. The point is my abilities are used, always. From my daily appointments, both on and offline, to my second-by-second co-creation of reality as a whole. This my way of life.
How long have you been aware of your abilities, and how have you developed them?⭐️ I have been aware of my abilities, most strongly, during my time at university. I had developed my abilities, in a formal setting, during excursion, with the Teutonic Knights, in Israel. As a psychic life coach, I am always developing my skills.
Describe your areas of expertise.⭐️ I specialise in relationships, twin flames, and soulmate counseling. Also, being an avid student of Carl Gustav Jung, I am also a Dream Scientist. As a result, I can define the meaning of dreams. Finally, as a psychic life coach, I teach manifestation methods and how to apply the law of causation in practical ways.
Honey your good but please stop repeating our questions and repeating your answers 🙏🤣 wasted 2 minutes on that! Still did not get a timeline which I asked but it's totally okay. Would very much appreciate if you could message. In other words he's a very nice man,fumbles his words but that's ok 👍 will call again with more time lol in all fairness, I did ask a few more questions then I was expecting too.
Psychic Coach Castor replied:I recovered the words that I fumbled and made a touchdown. :-) Repetition pays an important role in creation. Rinse and repeat. It was so AWESOME to connect!
Very helpful. Excellent reading
Psychic Coach Castor replied:It was AMAZING to connect. May your August continue to be bright.