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Divinations with Kai

Where the truth is exposed

Hello and welcome all my name is Dr.Kai'Lanii I have been reading professionally for over seven years. I use a multitude of divination told: tarot, charms, oracles, runes, dowsing rods, water, fire. Gender Pronouns are He and him.

What can a caller expect from a consultation with you?I will be extremely honest. I will not sugar coat. I will tell you what I see and only what I see I will never stroke your ego. I will never ask you or tell you anything to satisfy your ego.

Name some specific experiences where you've used your abilities.I have used my abilities as a child predicting a death of a loved one. I used my abilities to give direction to those who are lost. Provide help in white table misa.

How long have you been aware of your abilities, and how have you developed them?I have been this way all of my life but have been developing my abilities over the last eight years

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A call with me is frequently described as:No Data to Show at this time
Callers often describe me as:No Data to Show at this time
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Divinations with Kai

Namaste and Greetings everyone, if aynyone is interesrted in learning about Chakras have some files you might enjoy

My Store
$20.00 2025 Planner Are you looking for a witchy planner that covers moom cycles and Tarot? As well as informs and educates you? $18.18 Pisces Lets talk about Pisces, want to know about Pisces and their behaviors? $20.00 Bastet Are you curious about learning about Bastet? $11.11 Scorpios want to know all about Scorpios? Well let's dig $15.85 Cancer Zodiac Are you a Cancer and want to know about your Zodiac sign? $15.85 Goddess Bastet Want to learn more about Goddess Bastet and see if she is reaching out to you? $19.04 Self Love Lets talk about some self love, we are always focused on others lets turn that love inwards $20.00 Dream Interperting Do you want to learn how to make sense of your dreams? $17.17 The Big Four lets talk -about energy work, protection, and clearing away stagnant energy $12.12 Energy Healing Let's talk about energy Healing. $20.00 Kitchen Witching Are you a Kitchen witch and looking to find ways to grow your craft? Well look no further we have it here for you. $20.00 Charm Casting Divination Looking to better understand Charm Casting as a form of divination, here is everything you will need $15.15 Zodiac Signs and Crystals Let's talk about crystals that are associated with your Zodiac signs $20.00 Crystal Grid Creation Now that you understand crystals, let's create our very own Crystal Grid $10.10 Crystals Let's talk about the different types of crystals that we have and how to use them $7.77 Chakras Lets learn the names and the locations of The Seven Chakras $10.10 Root Chakra Gemstones Now that we somewhat understand our Muladhara Chakra and how it works, let's talk about crystals $12.12 Muladhara pt2 Now that we have covered what our Root Chakra is let's talk about how to balance and restore the Root Chakra. In this file there will be five questions that you will journal and record your answers to see if your Root Chakra is blocked or unblocked $8.88 Muladhara/ Root Chakra Let's talk about Chakras. Do you know that we have millions on chakras but we focus on only Seven of the main Chakras. Just like in The Avatar but lets dive deeper into what they each mean indivually and how they impact our daily living
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