Contacting your loved ones and deities for you
If you have questions for your loved ones or the deities you feel are near you, I can help make those messages more clear. I am here to help teach you to listen to the deities who want to contact you as well They are all here to help, Listen and make your path easier! Please note.... I may not say the same thing as "all the other psychics" . We all work differently with different time lines. Also new information may have come up which changes the situation.

What can a caller expect from a consultation with you?Let's go beyond the norm..... I am here to not only help you communicate with your passed loved ones but to hear how to hear them yourself! Learn how to feel their energies so you can sense them near at any time.
Name some specific experiences where you've used your abilities.I have been assisting others in communication with deities and their passed loved ones for over 30 years. Using a variety of tools to get the answers desired.
How long have you been aware of your abilities, and how have you developed them?I have always been able to communicate with the dead, but have been helping others to do the same for approximately 30 years now.
Describe your areas of expertise.I love to assist with reconnecting passed loved ones so those words we wish we could have said can still be passed on. I also enjoy helping others connect on a more intimate level with the deities who are calling out to them.

Know it's been a long time! Logging in from 9 to 5:30 EST! CHAT SOON!!!