What can a caller expect from a consultation with you?the best would be visual if not after we connect vocally I can tell you what going on right now and what can happen or what you need to do, we may also receive a message from a loved to help you. I can use the cards but prefer to use my gift of medium and read through you directly.
Name some specific experiences where you've used your abilities.walking in the street and a man was walking past me, I looked at him and then I froze. My body stayed in place but my soul must have left my body and I was on a journey with a man who was showing me where he was and how he felt then spoke of his son and left me a message for his son, I came back into my body and I guessed that was his son in front of me looking at me like are you ok???? anyway seemed he just came from the funeral home where his dad was, his dad had passed away...few other times where I received messages for people from someone they loved.
How long have you been aware of your abilities, and how have you developed them?I've been connected to the spiritual after life since very young and could see certain things happen before they really do happen, saved my sister from a crazy driver, she was about to cross the road with me and I held her back 1 minute later a car came speeding to turn the corner. I once looked at a girl and said to her I see you in a white wedding dress by next year you will be married. Another I told her you are pregnant and it is a boy she jumped and said how did you know I was pregnant, I just found out and haven't told anyone yet. Many stories like this.
Describe your areas of expertise.natural medium, seeing certain things that are there or not there, channeling, astro travelling, card readings and mostly spiritual connections
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