No matter is too big or too small
I am a faithful and invested virgin reader and I assist in all aspects of life. I specialize in tarot palm, crystal T Bayleaf, and many other readings.

What can a caller expect from a consultation with you?A safe and devoted space there is no judgment here there is no problem too great or too small like to leave the client with a full understanding of what was spoken of and of course each session is completely confidential
Name some specific experiences where you've used your abilities.I am an expert in all matters I use many of my expertise and focus on my abilities with my intuition have help people identify and break those patterns. Spirit uses me to identify mental traps, you currently have while helping you to replace them with empowering beliefs that launch you towards the success that you have been desiring to achieve. I have been doing that in every job I have ever had, in my personal life and also other people, places, and things I have been lead to, and that has been lead to me. If you're attracted to me, then divine has to lead you to me!
How long have you been aware of your abilities, and how have you developed them?I have been aware of my abilities from a very young age. I did not practice my abilities. I inherited them from my ancestors by absorbing magic and focusing in on who I am and what I am capable of doing I am a helping hand in all walks of life.
Describe your areas of expertise.have always been aware of my abilities since I can remember I am an active prophetic dreamer. I have seen angels and spirits and known of things to come since childhood. I am constantly learning and honing my spiritual gifts for 40 plus years. I am that friend and family member that everyone calls for advice and comfort and I learned that I was always on point and took it from there. Native to a very spiritually open-minded part of the world, I have been blessed by beautiful guidance by those deeply connected to Spirit, nature, and healing arts. I spend much time in meditation and prayer and receive guidance on what to study. I enjoy a multicultural approach to my spiritual gifts and am very much a citizen of the world, bringing that island girl energy from all corners of the earth! I come from spiritually gifted people from mixed cultures and it runs in my veins. I am a NATURAL but I am always studying and learning something new directly channeled from spirit, classes, vision question and good old fashioned hitting the books! This is my life purpose and I take it very seriously as well as enjoy it very much!