God is the ruler of this world Put your trust in him for all things Let me help you focus on his plan for your life
I am a Christian and I believe in Jesus Christ. I know that all things are possible through Christ and God talks to me as he talks to you, but you just have to be still and listen. I know this is harder than it sounds. That is why I am here to help you find out what God‘s plan is for your life.
What can a caller expect from a consultation with you?A caller can expect a positive approach to their life’s issues. I am here to listen without judgment. We are all God‘s children and we are brothers and sisters through Christ Jesus I want to help shed light on your questions. Whether it be about love, money, family or your career. I am a psychic, as are most family members. I don’t read tarot cards. I get all my information through visions and feelings by prayer and fasting and talking with God.
Name some specific experiences where you've used your abilities.I have helped numerous people throughout my life in all life’s Questions. I am empathic by nature, and I get joy by helping others. I put all my faith in God and I try to get my clients to do the same. I have seen this transform their lives for the better.
How long have you been aware of your abilities, and how have you developed them?I have been aware of my psychic abilities since I was very young. My grandmother and her grandmother before her did readings out of our home. I grew up, watching them, do this and practicing with the tarot cards and tea leaf readings.
Describe your areas of expertise.My areas of expertise consist of love, praying for what you want, building your relationship with God, so that you can be happy and free. Family is also very important. The devil likes to isolate you and then attack and you’ve got to cast him out of your life and recognize the signs, before he starts to attack.
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