INTUITIVE SPIRITUAL COUNSELOR life guidance accurate readings master healing powers relationships decoded and transformed
Are you looking for a compassionate, intuitive spiritual counselor with accurate insights and answers for your life? If so, the Great Spirit has guided you here. I am a Modern Shaman and a Healer with over 15 years experience in the spiritual realm. I am a Native American who honors the Old Ways and integrates ancient wisdom of all cultures with modern culture and understanding. Need Healing Energy to face a life challenge? I can make a fast connection and send the extra spiritual boost you need to discover YOUR OWN inner healing power. Need advice from the spiritual realm on a topic that has you feeling lost or confused? Though powerful shamanic intuition, I can connect to the Spirit of the Wolf and other selected guides to answer your questions. Having trouble understanding the nature of the plan that Higher Guidance has for your life, or the reasons things happen the way they do? I have studied all major metaphysical traditions of the world intensively and can offer plain answers to tough questions. Degrees and Qualifications: Ordained Minister In Three Faith Traditions, Authentic Native American, Masters Degree In Religion Over 7 years of being an online intuitive counselor with thousands of satisfied clients. I give intuitive answers and I also do counseling sessions as well, for any reason whatsoever. If you have a problem, you're welcome to come to me – big or small – nothing is too difficult for me to handle.
What can a caller expect from a consultation with you?I deliver an authentic, accurate readings with fast connections and empathetic answers to life's toughest challenges. I am god-gifted with multiple spiritual abilities to heal, guide, and inform human beings and their relationships. I am the founder of my own Psychic Readers Academy where I train others to perform top-quality readings with the highest standards of professionalism and customer service. I have 20 years experience in doing readings for clients around the world and I know that together, we can find the answers you need NOW.
Name some specific experiences where you've used your abilities.There are too many instances to count, but many callers have reported immediate positive changes in the SPECIFIC situations they were concerned about within minutes or hours of our call. This includes career events, relationship changes, reconnecting with lost people, clearing negative energies, sudden unexpected good fortune, and much more. A call with me will raise your overall energy frequency, putting you on a wavelength that automatically changes your "luck" for the better.
How long have you been aware of your abilities, and how have you developed them?I have been aware of being differently gifted since birth. Initially this caused me distress, but as an adult I have sought many techniques and paths to expand my abilities for the service of humanity. There are a lot of jobs I could be doing, and many that pay better, but I do this because it is my calling and the work I have been given by The Lord (Great Spirit/Creator, etc).
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