What can a caller expect from a consultation with you?A caller can expect to feel much more relaxed after speaking with me. I am a homegirl type of person. I love to get to the point and make a person feel relaxed and make them feel like they can tell me anything that they feel that is on their mind. I want all clients to feel that I will try my best to help them no matter what the problem is and that I will give my all to do whatever it is to make them feel comfortable to understand what is going on with them. There is no problem to big or too small for me to conquer. I will help you no matter what is going on. You will feel a lot better after talking with me guaranteed.
Name some specific experiences where you've used your abilities.I have used my abilities during a time when my best friend asked me about a new boyfriend she just meet if he was good for her and I told her I had a feeling about him that he was no good. Eventhough I just meet him the one time. I just knew he was no good, sometimes God gives us warnings and we need to take heed to them and I knew he was no good and I told her and ever since I told her she listened to me and she found out he was married with kids. So, see GOD is never wrong when it comes to things of that nature. Im so glad that she listened to me.
How long have you been aware of your abilities, and how have you developed them?I have been aware of my abilities since I was four years old. I knew I was different since I was four years old I always had little friends I would talk to that no one else could see. I had invisible friends, ghosts, other worldly beings, I remember flying in my dreams, I seen and been through so much you would not believe if I told you. Ask me on the phone calls and I will tell you. It is way too much information to type here. I would love to share all of my experiences here. I know about orbs, ghosts, paranormal beings and all types of things.
Describe your areas of expertise.I am Spiritual and very aware as well. I know of different religions, so I am very spiritually aware. I am not closed minded, so I am open to many conversations. So, if you have anything you want to talk about just ask me. I am very educated so ask me if you want to know. I know about different religions, crystals and many and much more.

I call my go to ppl all the time, I decided to give this person a chance. She not only got my poi wrong, she was rude when I told her that she was picking up on my ex and not my poi. She then hung up. I do not appreciate wasting my money on someone who cannot handle being told they're picking up on the wrong person. I wasn't rude or said anything bad about what you said, and you hung up because you were incorrect and picked up another person. I wanted to know about the poi not my ex. Very rude, and I NEVER had to leave negative feedback for anyone no matter what they say, good or bad. You need to adjust the way you speak with customers.

absolutely psychic and the best one I've spoken to hands down! She will give you truth! things that will shake you up but for the better. Definitely unveils all things unheard unseen and unspoken with absolute accuracy, extremely gifted. A blessing for sure