Let me help answer all your questions!!
Pyschic remote viewing, Past life aggressions, Career advice, Financial, business, Love and Relationships, and I answer any questions you may have.

What can a caller expect from a consultation with you?Compassion. Understanding. And non judge mental. And no sugar coating.
Name some specific experiences where you've used your abilities.My grandmother was having troubles with her health... and I just knew that everything would work out... and my prediction came true!
How long have you been aware of your abilities, and how have you developed them?I have had this gift since I can remember... I have helped find missing children and lost loved ones... I love helping people... I have insight into all aspects of life... I ALWAYS tell the truth (even though some people get mad)... I can help you through anything .... and if I can’t I will tell you!!
Describe your areas of expertise.Psychic remote viewing relationships, business, Love, marriage, Black magic, ancient curses, tarot cards, dream interpretation.

Thank you! It's been a while since I talked with Sophie! But I quickly remembered that she is very in tune in situations, non-judgmental, straight to the point yet compassionate and detailed and able to pick up on things that I didn't tell her that are true.

Good morning/ evening… I just wanted to say be thankful and be happy today