What can a caller expect from a consultation with you?An Honest Straightforward Reading With No Sugar Coating But Very Caring And Sincere
Name some specific experiences where you've used your abilities.I Help Others on Daily Basis With All Matters of Life
How long have you been aware of your abilities, and how have you developed them?Over 27 years of experience i am a 4th generation psychic born with my abilities
Describe your areas of expertise.love relationship romance marriage divorce career financial outlook family

I felt she was NOT honest. I just talked to her a SECOND time under a different name & photo. Why does this site allow people to get scammed by getting the same reading over and over again by the same person? I can't give a decent rating even though the first one sounded honest, but in the end she's a liar because she couldn't even tell me I ALREADY TALKED TO HER!!!

Excellent! And warm. Said investments were coming up (& I've been on the lookout actually). I asked about travel & she said go to Italy, & that's where I've been wanting to go; and learning Italian too (& never told her til after). Makes me so hopeful about Luv predictions..etc. Great encouragement about wrk...etc. 😇🥰