What can a caller expect from a consultation with you?A caller can expect to have a peace of mind after they are done with our session. Clarity motivation and inspiration spiritual connection & having their questions answered.
Name some specific experiences where you've used your abilities.I have brought twin flames and soulmates together when there was no connection at all through providing them information with my intuitive gift . One of my clients who was completely lost at the moment she was completely depressed I was able to gain the person that she wanted in her life back into her life again I would receive vision of my client being back with her significant other I will receive confirmations from her angel guides that they are twin flames and today they are married with two children that I predicted !
How long have you been aware of your abilities, and how have you developed them?For 15 years how I develop them is when I was a young child my mom told me I would have this gift I always felt connection to something deeper and something beyond the naked eye I would see auras around people and didn’t know what it was when I was a young child until I spoke about it with my mom and grandmother they then told me that I had this gift and they also had it as well that I come from a strong line of intuitive psychic healer’s and ever since I had a better understanding I have been using my gift and helping others grow has made me grow spiritually .
Describe your areas of expertise.Psychic love expert twin flame and soulmate expert Energy and chakras aura & Angel communication spiritual life coach healing of the mind body and spirit

Thank you, you made my day, I will keep you updated, will let you know how it goes in the next month. Appreciate your insights.