What can a caller expect from a consultation with you?I will work with you to find what you are seeking. I will explain all the details I receive to assist you. I have plenty of time for you. I will not rush you. I will not stretch your call. I am a special Adviser who cares a lot about what is important to you. I am very non-biased, non-judgemental. My Heart is in this for you. Let us talk and let the answers come. I love helping. I was born to be Divines earth helper. Don't be left in the dark. Give yourself something special, make life easier. I cannot pull money figures out of a hat for you without communication from you. Just talk with me and Visions will come. Healing energies flow from me. My voice is so sincere, and comforting, you will find me very easy to talk to. I am often available at many times not listed in my schedule. You can also Email me to set up a time or appointment.
Name some specific experiences where you've used your abilities.I specialize in seeing where their head is at, clearing confusion, healing hearts, minds and emotions with spiritual intuition, and really see into a Soul Connection and what it does for you, the other person, and what can be expected. I have been successful in communing with those on the Other Side. I can help with getting and keeping jobs. I can help with family questions, friends questions. I have done many other things through the years. I am excellent at Dream Interpretation and deeper meanings. I have a special understanding of Souls, and Soul Connections and what they really mean and can do. Soul Connections are magical. I can help with pets. People know when talking to me I am 100% here for YOU, and my voice confirms that. Many say it is healing angelic like. I have helped in Prayers, Relationships, Family Addictions, Spirituality, Career, Elderly, Depression, Procrastination, Past lives, Healing, Luck, Healing Hearts Minds Emotions and help with healing energies to help heal in the body. You can hear the sheer unconditional love in my voice and will know I am here for you, put on this planet for you.
How long have you been aware of your abilities, and how have you developed them?I have been aware of my abilities since I was 10. My family says they were aware of them since I could speak. I am continually developing my skills by research and lessons. I am also a Non-Denominational Minister. I am a 4th generation psychic. My skills are all inclusive with Healing added to it.

Amazing!!!!!! Connected me to my mother who passed years ago. Was spot on and really connected with me. This advisor is so pure hearted and genuine!!!!!❤️ She only needed my name and tapped so quickly into my energy. Spoke to her for 45 minutes literally couldn't stop talking to her. BEST ADVISOR ON THE SITE!!!!!