What can a caller expect from a consultation with you?Psychic Services to guide you through all aspects of life. Psychic, intuitive, and Tarot readings. Energy healing. Affirmations and personal prayer. I'm an Intuitive Holistic Consultant with over 25 years of experience in the psychic and business fields. I wear multiple hats as a psychic, energy healer, writer, and quality-of-life advocate. I'm clairvoyant (see), clairaudient (hear) and clairsentient (sense). My psychic tools are your first name, date of birth, and question or concern. For matters of the heart, I establish a baseline, provide a male perspective, identify a hidden agenda & the big picture, and translate man-speak. I use goal-setting, real-life strategies, and compassionate recommendations so you progress peacefully on your life's journey. I'm friendly, reliable, holistic, and spiritually based. I provide direct answers from spirit, not spiritual woo-woo. I love my psychic work since it is a valuable service to others and my mission in life.
Name some specific experiences where you've used your abilities.I'm a second-generation psychic, medium, and healer following in the footsteps of my beloved mother. I've had over 36,000 client sessions by phone or chat since October 1997. I've read for clients on six of the seven continents -- everyone except the penguins in Antarctica.
How long have you been aware of your abilities, and how have you developed them?I've been aware of my psychic abilities since I was a teenager. My mother took me for my first psychic reading when I was just twelve years old. She then took me to an energy healer when I was in college. I'm self-taught and developed my skills through involvement in six metaphysical organizations I was a member of for manty years.
Describe your areas of expertise.o Love, romance, relationships, reconciliation, and soulmates. + Marriage, family, separation, and divorce. o Holistic lifestyle and home. + Business, job, and career shifts. o Education. + Financial prosperity and goal-setting. o Dreams, ESP, and meditation. + Spiritual development and life purpose. o Mindfulness and harmonious living in the now. + Specialized issues for military/veterans and LGBTQ.

I hung up after 8 minutes, the advisor stayed on to get paid more. As well I was asking about A and he's talking to me about Y. not a good listener, not answering your questions, just talks about the legal system which I never asked for. Pure waste of mobey
Your Questions Answered by Frank Michel replied:I hope you've found peace in your legal matter so you can be reunited with your loved one. Sorry you felt frustrated, but I did hear you and respond directly with what spirit was showing me whether you wanted to hear it or not.