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Advisor Policy

Last Modified: 07/25/2024

This Advisor forms a part of the Terms and Conditions, which is incorporated by reference therein. Capitalized terms not defined herein will have the meanings set forth in the Terms and Conditions.

  1. You must comply with the Terms and Conditions and the following specific requirements to use our Site.
    1. Without limiting any other remedies Psychics.com may have, Psychics.com may, in its sole discretion for any reason or for no reason and without notice, immediately modify or terminate Your access to, membership in and use of the Site especially if You have violated any of the following requirements each of which You must agree to as a condition to Your use of our Site:
    2. You will continuously provide truthful, current and complete information, including, without limitation, accurate representation of skills, degrees, qualifications, credentials, background, and other information included in Your listing(s). You will not misrepresent Yourself or create a misleading Member name or listing. We may, in our sole discretion, require verification of credentials as a condition to Your use of our Site.
      1. Psychics.com requires all Members, and users who access or use any area of the Psychics.com Site to be at least eighteen (18) or twenty-one (21) years of age, depending on the age of majority in Your jurisdiction.

        This Website is for adults only. If You are under the age of eighteen (18) or twenty-one (21), depending on Your jurisdiction, You are not to use this Website at all. Misrepresentation of Your age to gain access to Our Website is considered a breach of this agreement and computer hacking under federal law. If You are under eighteen (18) or twenty-one (21) years of age, depending on Your jurisdiction, STAY OUT!

        In order to use the Website or any services provided by Us, You must have attained the age of majority in Your jurisdiction. You represent and warrant that You are at least eighteen (18) or twenty-one (21) years of age, depending on the age of majority in Your jurisdiction, and that You have the legal capacity to enter into this Agreement. We may, in Our sole discretion, require that You provide proof that You have attained the age of majority in Your jurisdiction prior to using Our Site or Services.
      2. Psychics.com reserves the right to withhold payments from any Advisor account that does not provide accurate Payee Name and matching Social Security Number or Tax ID information within the My Account page. Payee Name and Social Security or Tax ID number are compared to the IRS Name Database to verify valid information has been provided.

        Advisors that are non-US based are required to send a copy of their passport confirming their full legal name, date of birth, and country of residence.
    3. You will conduct all for-fee communications that You have with other Members only through the Site and You will not circumvent or attempt to circumvent the Site using third-party payment services nor will You meet with any other User in-person.
    4. You will not diagnose illnesses, provide treatments, prescribe medications, or otherwise act as a medical care provider through the Site.
    5. You will not offer or provide advice, directly or through writings, as to the value of securities or as to the advisability of investing in, purchasing, or selling securities.
    6. You will not offer advice or provide any product or services related to or claiming success with lottery numbers.
    7. You will only provide Advisor Services to Members. You agree that You will not provide Advisor Services to more than one Member on any given call, except as authorized by us. You agree not to take or answer calls (and agree to terminate such call and report the incident to Psychics.com by filling out a Contact Us Form and entering “Abuse” into the subject line) if You know or have reason to believe that (i) the individual on the call is a non-Member or (ii) there is more than one person on the call receiving the Advisor Services.
    8. In certain circumstances, Psychics.com permits more than one Advisor to be on the phone with a Member at one time, provided that such Advisors (i) have received prior written permission from Psychics.com for such “double Advisor” offering, (ii) are both on the call at the same time. and (iii) have described clearly any such approved “double Advisor” offering (and the rate payable therefore) to the Member prior to the call.
    9. You will not “share” listings except as follows. If You are listed in a Advisor listing, only You may answer calls to that listing. Psychics.com may, with prior approval, permit exceptions to this rule only if all of the following conditions are met: You had an existing operational call center with five (5) or more employees or sub-contractors prior to joining Psychics.com; You are entering this Terms and Conditions with authority on behalf of an incorporated business with employment or sub-contractor agreements with all of the individuals who answer the phone; the Member account and the Member account’s listings are always associated with only one phone number; and You send a notice of the shared listing account to support@psychics.com. Any accounts found to be sharing listings without prior approval, including, but not limited to, hiring or staffing agencies, who employee Advisors on Psychics.com will be subject to immediate termination without prior warning and any earnings accrued in said accounts will be forfeited.
    10. You will abide by all applicable Federal, State, and local laws, regulations, and ordinances relating to obscene and indecent content and communications including, but not limited to the record keeping requirements of 18 U.S.C Section 2257. Obscenity and child pornography are prohibited on Psychics.com. While obscenity is not always easy to define and depends on the standards in Your area, Psychics.com specifically prohibits any listings or Mail that contain content related to bestiality, underage, and any other content which may, in our sole judgment, be considered obscene or otherwise violate any of our policies. We will, in our absolute discretion, remove any listings and prohibit any Mail containing or referring to child pornography. In no event may images of children, whether nude, clothed, or partially clothed, be posted in Mail or in any area of the Site, including Advisor listings. In the event that Psychics.com discovers child pornography in any listing, Mail or otherwise, Psychics.com will promptly notify the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children and/or any other appropriate law enforcement agency.
    11. You will not use any “pop up” or “pop under” advertising on any website, blog, or profile listing to advertise Your Advisor listing. You will not include links to any competing phone sex or cam sites within Your site Advisor listing. You will not include links within Your Advisor profile to other sites which involve solicitation for calls on a competitor site or a site involving sales of items that are available for sale on the site, including but not limited to audio stories, phone sex recordings, images, or videos.
    12. You will not create or use separate listings for purposes of redirecting Members from listings contained in Groups or otherwise circumventing revenue sharing under Group agreements or other agreements with third parties.
      1. You will not record or otherwise store any calls (in whole or in part) that You conduct with a Member. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Advisors may provide pre-recorded voice Advisor Services (each, a “Recorded Listing” as described further on the Help Page of the Site) to Members in accordance with this Advisor Policy.
    13. You will not create frivolous listings, repetitive listings placed across multiple categories, or listings that are irrelevant to the categories under which they are created. You may not create more than one (1) listing per topic.
    14. Psychics.com (or its licensors) owns and retains all rights in or to certain trademarks, trade names, service marks, logos and/or slogans, whether now existing or hereafter created, including but not limited to Psychics.com, Talk Live, Talk Live U, and the designs for Psychics.com, Talk Live, and Talk Live U (collectively, “Trademarks”). Advisors may not use, reproduce or copy for commercial purposes any Trademarks in or for, without limitation, advertising, press releases, or other marketing materials, without the express written permission of Psychics.com. Advisors may request permission to use Trademarks by e-mailing support@psychics.com. Notwithstanding the foregoing, nothing in this Advisor Policy or related agreements shall be construed as granting You any rights in or license to use Trademarks.
    15. Psychics.com does not refer, endorse, recommend, verify, evaluate, or guarantee any advice, information and other products or services provided by Advisors or Members, or any specific Member, Advisor or Advisor Services, and nothing shall be considered as a referral, endorsement, recommendation, or guarantee of any Advisor or group of Advisors by Psychics.com. You will not offer listings, create or distribute information, including but not limited to advertisements, press releases, or other marketing materials, or include links to any sites which offer such information, containing or suggesting an endorsement by Psychics.com of You, Your listings or Your Advisor Services. Psychics.com reserves the right to warn, suspend, or terminate at any time and without notice, a Member account which it determines, in its sole discretion, is transmitting or is otherwise connected with such prohibited endorsement.
    16. You will respond promptly to all requests for information from Psychics.com. You agree to cooperate in the resolution of any dispute with any other User of the Site and You further agree to abide by and cooperate with our resolution of any such dispute, even resolutions that You may disagree with.
    17. You will immediately remit to Psychics.com all sums that are charged back to Psychics.com by any credit card servicer regardless of fault.
    18. You will bear all risk of collection of receivables for Your goods and services and You will, immediately, upon demand, reimburse all losses and charge backs we incur that are associated with Your services and/or goods.
    19. You will not use photographs or other identifying information that is already used by another Advisor. Duplicates will be removed from the Site.
      1. You may post links to Your social media profiles within Your Advisor profile, but You will not place any link or other contact information on our site that provides personal identifying information such as full name, address, city, or email address to facilitate communication outside of our site.
    20. You will answer all incoming calls from Psychics.com and either accept or reject the call when You have marked Your account as available for calls on Psychics.com.
      1. Missed calls will be calculated on a regular basis and if You miss more than 20% of calls, either from customers or our system, Your account will be considered for deactivation.
        1. Some accounts that have missed more than 20% of calls may be offered a probationary period that will allow the Advisor to earn back their Advisor profile on the site by completing a period of time and a number of connection minutes on the virtual chat line.
        2. Probation periods, if offered to Advisors who did not answer more than 80% of their incoming phone calls, are at the discretion of Psychics.comand can include, but not be limited to, 30 days, 60 days, 3 months, 300 minutes or 1000 connection minutes on the chat line. Once a Advisor completes the probation period assigned to them, they must then contact customer service back at Advisorsupport@Psychics.com to request a review of their account and possible reinstatement. Reinstatement of a Advisor account is never guaranteed
      2. Psychics.com can at any time consider a reactivation request for a fee.
      3. You may not create a new account on Psychics.comafter Your account has been deactivated for missed calls.
      4. To avoid missing calls, only mark Your account as available for calls when You are able and willing to answer all incoming calls from Psychics.com.
        1. You have the ability to reject an incoming call for any reason by pressing the appropriate number on Your keypad after answering the phone call.
      5. You will only turn on availability for sexting and web chat when You are able and willing to have a conversation through the texting or web chat services.
        1. Missed text replies will be calculated on a regular basis and if You do not reply to more than 95% of Your received texts, You may be blocked from using the SMS/texting/sexting option on Psychics.com or Your account will be considered for deactivation.
    21. You agree to keep Your average caller review ratings at or above 2.5 stars.
      1. While we will only consider removing low star ratings for complaints that are out of Your control, all other ratings and reviews will be taken into consideration for Your star rating average. Average ratings below 2.5 stars can be at risk for deactivation at any time.
    22. You acknowledge and agree that You are not an employee of Psychics.com and that no employment, partnership, join venture relationship, or other relationship which might impose a fiduciary obligation on Psychics.com is created solely by virtue of this Agreement. The only relationship between You and us is independent contractor.
    23. You will not violate any laws prohibiting sex trafficking and promotion or facilitation of prostitution. The solicitation, promotion, and facilitation of prostitution and sex trafficking are strictly prohibited. If You engage in such activity or post links to external websites that engage in such activity, we may delete Your account without a refund and take other appropriate action. You must comply with all relevant local, state, and federal laws to reinforce the policy against illegal activities.
  2. You agree to hold Psychics.com harmless regarding Your use of the Site.

This wizard will help you find someone to talk to. Step 1 of 3 What type of advisor would you like to talk to?
  • love advisorLove
  • astrologerAstrologer
  • dream interpeterDreams
  • life coachLife Coach
  • Health
  • mediumsMedium
  • numerologistNumerologist
  • palm readerPalm Reader
  • paranormal helpParanormal
  • past life regressionPast Life
  • Pet Psychic
  • tarot readerTarot Reader

Go Back Step 2 of 3 How would you like to talk to your advisor?
  • Any Method
  • Phone Call
  • Text Message
  • Web Chat

Go Back Step 3 of 3 Searching all advisors ...
Go Back Search Results Based on your selections, and who is available right now, we recommend one of these advisors:
    Verified by Psychics.com

    Look for the verified advisor badge on select listings. These professional advisors have been carefully interviewed and approved. We select advisors we believe are truly gifted to give in-depth readings. If you are not 100% satisfied with your experience with an advisor let us know and we'll make it right in the future.


    Please use the controls below to play this greeting.

    Why am I seeing this?Your web browser denied our attempt to auto play this greeting for you.

    • Redeem an Offer

      Enter the code exactly as it appears on the advertisement. If you are redeeming a Talk Card scratch off to reveal the code on the back of your card.

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    You are about to send a private message to . You can send a text only introductory message for free. Additional text-only messages are , and messages with attachments start at .


    You are about to have a one-on-one private phone call with for . Press the continue button below when you are ready to have the system connect you. If you prefer, you can also dial into the system directly and pay using your credit card without creating an account. If you are not 100% satisfied with your call experience please let us know.


    If you prefer to dial in call:


    When prompted for a profile number enter:


    You are about to have a private one-on-one text messaging session with . Prices start from only . A smart phone with texting is required to use this service. Press the continue button below when you are ready.


    You are about to start a one-on-one chat session with for . When you are ready to get started click the continue button below.


    You are about to send a voicemail to for . When you are ready to get started click the continue button below.

    Please login to continue.

    An account is required to continue beyond this point. Please create a free account or login now to continue.

    Please verify your phone number.

    Thanks for joining, we also require all new accounts to add and verify a phone number before we can connect you. Please take a moment to handle this now, you will only need to do this once.

    Your wallet is empty.

    The last thing you need to do is setup your wallet on our site. Your wallet funds can be used for any service, with any talker on our site. To connect with you will need to add money to your account.To connect with you will need to add money to your account, or add a credit card to pay for the call as you go.

    Your wallet balance is low.

    Your wallet balance only has z. We recommend adding more funds to your wallet before you continue. If your balance runs out you will be disconnected.

    Confirm your phone call settings:
    Payment Plan: My Phone Number: Payment Options:
    Credit Card:
    Tell me about Calls
    Confirm your text message settings:
    Payment Plan: My Phone Number: * International users may get billed for additional charges per text message by their cell phone provider and those charges will appear on your phone statement. Tell me about Texting
    Select a Web Chat Payment Plan: * Please don't disclose any personal information for your own safety purposes. We will never ask you for your password or credit card information! Tell me about Web Chat
    Starting your ...

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