Name some specific experiences where you've used your abilities.a truly gifted friend to connect with you that cares and most of all answers that advises how to reconnect with that certain person they’re twin flame maybe you’re not feeling them for some reason and you’re worried that you lost this specific other I have the answers and are looking forward to helping you to this life journey
How long have you been aware of your abilities, and how have you developed them?I am a fifth generation spiritual reader advisor and life coach Over 35 years I’ve helped many people From all over the world and have been in business and have an office since over 30 years
Describe your areas of expertise.I am a soulmate, twin flame specialist Irene reunite lost love and pick up on twin flame energies very quickly and explain when they’re going to reunite I use my psychic ability and my visions give me insight from a person’s voice. I will give them names initials times of one the twin flame. The soulmate will be coming and returning Into their life, and how to heal their wounded hard and painful relationships of the past.